Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Oh, she still loves to be called single,
Didn't her rude heart got mingled.
With the love, he gave to her,
With the time, he shared with her.

Stupid! Yeah, he calls his heart stupid,
That has already poured a lot of love.
Over her mind, over her body,
Over her heart and over her soul.

Hey, ungracious heart, didn't you notice,
His love, his innocence, his dedication.
What was his fault, he just asked,
You for accepting, you're in love with him.

The world is becoming barbarian,
The hearts are getting filled,
With the hatred and repellency.
The hearts are being flooded,
With the poisonous thoughts.

Where are those days gone,
When the lovers were supposed to,
Tied together with their hearts,
With their bodies, with their souls,
For years, for decades, for millennium.

Pouring Love over anybody is very easy,
But making him/her fall in love is not.
He, his poisonous-less thoughts,
His innocent heart did it, Yes, he made it.

Hey, good and rude ladies,
Can't you see the world of love?
That someone is showering over you heavily.
Come out of dreams, and see,
How happy you're with him.

Hey, patienceless guys,
Can't you feel?
Girls too can pour love
And share happiness.
Where does your innocence go?
When the girls start showering love,
And care upon you.

Monday, September 19, 2011


One year of a relationship is enough time to make the emotional and any known bond in this world stronger. Yes, they did it. They are in love, true love now, better call.
It was a time when they (a guy and a girl, of course) met as complete strangers. No past relations, no childhood friends, neither school friends nor college friends and no common friends, they had. Both of them met in a fest and exchanged their numbers as they might have liked each other or they were in need of good friend.

As the texting started just after opening of their eyes in the morning, ranging whole day till the moment their eyes didn’t get closed themselves.  They planned to meet one day and they met in a café, away from the huge noisy malls. They liked each other at first meet because they just saw each other under the dancing flashing dj lights in the fest.

Well, there is a great difference between love and like and all of us are aware of it except only few! The girl liked the guy more. And they had started trying to forget their past relationships as the newer always gives better feeling, better opportunity and better space.
They again met after a month as the guy seemed to be more aggressive and forced the girl to meet. In fact, he had a lot of girlfriends (around 4 to 5 only, because not only he but also no other guy can have girls more than this number!) and he had enough time to share equally or unequally with almost all of them over phone texting, online chatting, and chitchatting over phone.

The girl on the other side had all the good features that guys die for in girls. So she was also flooded with some offers after her last break-up. She was enjoying a lot as the guys were running and fight after her. The fact is that guys run after any kinda girl. But the guy who she met last evening and a month ago in the fest seemed smarter, intelligent, respectable, handsome and of course possessing healthy wallet.
The guy on the other hand had already enjoyed past two relationships in which he was supposed to be serious and enjoyed the love, the true love and rest he considered time passes. He had some good choices till then and he chose the best then.  As a smart guy he focused over his decreasing time (that’s fixed 24 hrs per day for the world) and his healthy wallet that he could have emptied in a single day if he would have gotten the chance to.

They met once again and felt in love this time as some hugs and kisses got exchanged during seeing off.  The guy felt in true love as he was a frequent in falling in love with any girl truly. Time passed and they started meeting every week then every alternate day then every day.
Unfortunately, they guy didn’t study girl minutely as he thought himself smarter plus he thought that if he chooses anything then it must have been the best one among the choices available.  Yes, the girl was smarter and more careful. She used to accept the offers of friendship from the guys and then judge them after staying close to their hearts. But most of the guys in her list failed in satisfying her conditions except the fest guy. She felt nothing much like love like the guy who had already slipped off his heart and head. But yeah, the way guy was living and treating people around himself impressed the girl. Sometimes later she had started feeling something that was dragging her closer to the guy whom she wanted to meet every day right in the morning where her dad used to drop her near a metro station. The guy with much leisure time used to wait for her sitting there.

The time passed with the greater speed and more fun in their lives. They were so much into each other that they had stopped thinking of any other thing except meeting every day, talking for long , watching out all the new hollywood releases , go for long walks (during monsoon) and eat together.
One day the guy asked her to make love when both of them were getting wet enjoying under huge natural shower. She refused. And the guy whose head got speed up and thought that the girl doesn’t love him but she likes his company only. In the meantime he had given up all the contacts of girls that he gathered to have more fun. The girl on the other side had already started losing interests in her girlfriends and boyfriends in her college and outside as she was habitual to rush to meet this guy even if she got a break of half an hour from her lectures. Same was the case with the guy, he had already fought with his friends for one or more reasons.
The guy could do nothing when it came to make love and he maintained calm and patience. One he was standing in his balcony and was thinking deeply about the girl in the deep dark night. He made up his mind to leave the girl as he considered his relationship useless without any physical closeness.

He met the girl next day and gave up this idea to leave her after seeing her innocence, trustworthy nature and dedication towards the work. He started living a ray of hope that she would fall in love with him as he had heard a lot of storied of victory of love over everything when he was a kid. He then decided to follow the footmarks that the childhood stories had left over his intelligent, innocent and a bit wicked head.
Time passed again, and they had started sharing even a small moment of happiness (and sorrow at times only) together. They both were in deep love, true love with each other. They couldn’t live even a single moment without each other. The guy, despite loving the girl was has started considering his relationship as friendship only. The girl, who had enough attitudes so she at times tried it over the guy and was becoming unbearable for the guy.

Guys fall in love in lesser time than girls. It’s true. The guy did the same. Plus he had developed something in his head that if the girl couldn’t love her then he would make the girl sleep with him as she had all the best features that were proving that she could be the best under sheet.
Well, whenever relationships get composed of the mixture of sharing love and emotions then they result into sharing of bed. But the guy, intelligent, better thinker like an intellectual was unaware of the rudeness and rigidity of the girl. The girl on the other hand had made up her mind not to lose her virginity before her wedding and losing it before marriage was something like crime for her and it could have smashed her dignity and attitude. Like every middle class girl with middle class head she was thinking that her parents had brought up her in pure atmosphere giving her all the happiness and everything that she had dreamt for. So she kept rejecting all the possible plans of guy to hit into bed with their all emotional and sexual might. This resulted into frequent fights and we all know the results of frequent fights.

[Epilogue: the girl respected her won feeling and emotion and the guy had no other option except looking for a new girl. The girl also got a new boyfriend. In fact she had two. Now the guy is in a live in relationship with a pilot girl who flies aeroplanes and sleeps with him every night. And the girl (his ex now) is an IAS officer and is planning to get married with a guy that her parents have chosen for her. Two of her ex boyfriends (last two) drink and smoke together, cursing and abusing her a lot.]

Friday, September 9, 2011

The things that your eyes would never see!

God is very happy with Delhi and has started thinking of the rising height of mercury so he would have decided to shower Delhi. Well, it’s monsoon and according to it there must be some heavy rain over here. The most enjoyable moment that is being squeezed from this season is to stay under sheet for long and enjoy sex with the bed partner. Unfortunately, I don’t have a bed partner and I hate staying into bed for long whether its monsoon or winter or scorching summer.

As usual I woke up early and walking fast rushed towards the Japanese Park. There was very few attendances over there as most of the walkers were still to open their eyes and see the awesome sexy atmosphere. It rained heavy with huge thunders and lightening last night so there was water everywhere except the jogging marble track that is just a few inches above the ground level. After finishing jogging it was time to stretch arms and so some exercises. Nobody was there where many youngsters and old men and women come to stretch their muscles to make them strong.

The sound that was coming from the patting of my shoes and the water hiding under grass was very pleasing to head and soul. Some of the water, penetrating the tiny holes entered into my shoes and wetted my socks and feet as well. Without wasting time I started doing exercises like push-ups, chin-ups and some more exercises. Whenever there is scare of heat you get more energy.
After lightening, thundering and showering the earth, clouds were in no mood to stay away leaving Delhi sky. Making several layers it was covering whole sky keeping away the mightiest sun from the view, they had started flashing some water drops over earth. A jat uncle, holding an umbrella appeared who loves to do exercises more the youngsters. He noticed me, saw here and there, looked at me and left. After sometime some jhuggi kids came, exercised and left.

I was not getting tired and was getting more energy, I don’t know why so I continued exercising with the continuity of the rain. Everything (the trees, the plants, the marbled tracks, the fountains, the leaves the light poles) were shining more as they had already got wet and light was being reflected more so their shining sight was pleasing my eyes. It was time to return home and study something as my sessional papers are about to begin from 13th of this month.
The rain was turning heavier, the clouds had already covered the whole park as if they were trying to stay here for years and shower it nicely to turn it into a pond. I started returning following the same jogging track looking at the trees that were covered by the flood of birds. I don’t from where so many birds had come there. The last night rain had already filled the ponds, increasing the level of water some inches. The buzzing sound of the crickets was audible that can be heard at night only.  It was raining so heavily that the patting sound of the water over trees’ leaves and the ground was audible clearly.

The biggest pond of the park was about to flood the whole park as the water level had already increased by one meter. The crows and other birds were sitting on the trees and plants on the bank of the pond. Most of them were enjoying the rain as they had squeezed their body sticking their feathers to their bodies. The colorful pebbles that cover the banks of the pond were not visible as the water had already submerged them under it. The ducks, making small groups of around 10 to 15 that swim there, were sitting on the water near the banks. Some naughty crows were trying to play with the ducks but the ducks were in no mood to play with them just to enjoy the heavy rain. I reduced my pace but kept walking staring continuously towards the pond. Suddenly I saw something swimming across the water. Expecting it a small black boat without any person on it, I jumped off the jogging track and ran quickly towards the pond. It was not a boat as something else was swimming. They were swimming in some patterns and were getting spread at times. Their heads with long neck were visible out of water. Some of them started flying above water, some vanished into water dipping their heads under water, some were running on water as if the water was something like solid road for them, some stretched their feathers and covered the smaller heads, some loved to stay calm keeping their necks above water.

‘Hello son, you are enjoying the sight,’ a voice reached my ears suddenly. I turned my head aside rolling my eyes and saw a well dressed old man, holding an umbrella was standing next to me.
‘Oh, hello uncle,’ I said looking back towards the black birds.
‘Your eyes have good power to capture such sights,’ said uncle looking towards the birds.
‘Look at them, they are looking so beautiful. They can be seen here only during heavy rain,’ he continued.
‘I’ve already made 10 to 12 videos of these birds,’ said the old man.
‘How nice, can you mail them to me please. Take my email id,’ I said.
‘Son, I don’t have a minute to do any work then how would I mail you?’ he said.
‘Okay, but what do you do?’ I asked the old man.
‘I do nothing, I’ve already crossed my sixties. I love to roam so keep roaming here and there. I wake up early and start roaming and reach my place by 10pm when my wife is waiting for dinner with me,’ he continued.
‘What do you do?’ he asked me.
‘I’m a writer,’ I answered looking at him.
‘Very nice. You are blessed with some extra ordinary head. work hard. You will go to America, Australia etc. your eyes have different capacity to view and analyze this world. One day you’ll roam across the whole world. God bless you,’ the old man said.
It was a bit irritating me as I was supposed to enjoy the view but the old man was disrupting that. I distracted my eyes from his face and rolled my eyes back towards the pond but the birds were not visible by them. They had disappeared somewhere into the water or into the cloudy sky. I cursed the old man for wasting my time. I looked into his eyes with anger and he stared back…………       

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Placements, Night Outs and The Stunts!

The seventh semester arrived with some good news for the students of 4th year as campuses of IP University are flooded with a lot of companies (for proving jobs, of course), IT companies only. But there are a lot of terms and conditions of these companies. The students with the backlogs are not being allowed to sit in the tests. Some of the students like Ankit, my stud friend who doesn’t like to wait for the core companies and want a placement right now at any cost. Unfortunately he has a backlog. Our college management doesn’t want to take a risk to allow the students of this category to sit in the paper so that its college will not be blacklisted.

It was quite dark. Everybody was bedding to go into bed. The sound of the hitting of the guards’ big bamboo sticks was audible only. It rained heavily an hour ago so the atmosphere was quite cold and calm. The earth seemed cold a bit after getting showered nicely. The stars were not visible in the sky as the thick layer of cloud had covered it fully. Ankur was standing in the balcony with a hot cup of tea not to enjoy the sip but was searching a way to get into the first company so that he would further enjoy the whole year with his sweetheart.

He was tired of listening to the words like ‘the students with backlogs are not being allowed but can study and take chance if the college (in which the companies were coming) is allowing at the last moment’. There was a great confusion. In fact he had already studied a lot for the test and after working so harder no one would like to give up the hope.
He called his friend Verma and Ankit who including himself had backlogs and were dying to get a job in Infosys anyhow and told them to meet him. For the first time both of them shown sincerity and reached Ankur’s place within half an hour.  The meeting started with the puff of cigarettes and hot coffees.

‘Why did you call us here at this time?’ asked Verma.
‘Very simple, just to get a job in this fu**ing company,’ answered Ankur, releasing smoke in the air.
‘I’ve a plan to get into it,’ continued Ankur.
‘What?’ both of them asked together.
‘Making of fake mark sheets,’ answered Ankur boldly.
‘Are you mad?’ said Ankit in a shocking tone.
‘Look, if we are selected for the placement then would work harder to clear backlogs and so…………,’ convinced Ankur.
 ‘Oh, you fu**ing a**hole, you want us to be put behind the bars,’ said Verma puffing the cigarette strongly as if it was the last cigarette in the packet.
‘It’s risky, they would catch us and would throw us out of the test in front of our class mates and college mates and we would have to feel ashamed,’ said Ankit, rhyming Verma.
The discussion continued for hours and Ankur, finally was able to convince them to work together and keep the plan secret.
‘How would we do it?’ asked Verma.
‘I’ll do it,’ said Ankur.
‘But how?’ asked restless Ankit.
‘What how? I’ve already done it each semester for showing my mark sheets to my dad,’ said Ankit.
‘Yes, I’ve one, two or three, even four backlogs each semester but I always change my marks in mark sheet to hide them from my dad,’
‘But you never told me, you d**k h**d.’ I also would have tried the same to make my parents happy who always scold for not getting good results,’ said Verma.

             ****                                              ****                                              ****

Ankur went to his sister’s place and asked her to give her HP DeskJet scanner-printer to him just for a day.
‘You can do your work here,’ his sis told him.
‘Nope, I can’t work here. I’ve to work whole night,’
‘What’s problem in working here?’ she asked.
‘I can’t because my friends are waiting at my place and we have to work together on our minor project,’
‘Okay, you can get it then,’ she said and Ankut grabbed the scanner-printer and ran straight to his place where his good friends were eagerly waiting in the balcony.

The scanner was connected to the electric board from one side and to the laptop from the other side. Ankur, who was already expert in doing such a nice job of changing marks made three cups of coffee. Ankit took out three cigarettes and disturbed to rest two after lighting them. Ankur sat in front of laptop with some original mark sheets. Verma sat in his left hand side and Ankit on the right on the floor. The fourth semester mark sheet was kept under the scanner and the real work started then. Some of the softwares that Ankur had already downloaded and worked over them earlier were opened.
The uncountable coffee mugs went on with the puffs of cigarettes. Three good friends kept working whole night and finally the dawn was about to arrive as the chirping of the birds had become audible. The guard had stopped hitting his big bamboo stick on the road and gates…………..

Ankit escaped jogging and morning exercises as he was the experienced lead to do such a tough work.
‘Hey, it’s 8:00am, and we’ve to reach the test center by sharp 8:30am,’ said Verma who was lying on the mat and was thinking ‘what would he do if he is caught in any case’.  At last they got the prints of changed mark sheets and the resume which was almost same. Nobody took shower as they were getting late for the written test for which that had to wake whole night to work on.
‘We are still left with an important task,’ muttered Ankit.
‘Attest, we’ve to get all these mark sheets and CVs attested before reaching to the test centre.
‘What the hell is this? Where would we go now?’ asked Verma in a shocking tone.
‘Hey, my mom’s friend is a doctor in a A***lo hospital and she lives here but she would ask million of questions before attesting,’ said Ankit whose mom’s and dad’s friends are present everywhere to get any kind of jack work.
‘But I don’t want to go to her place. She would tell it to mom and I would be caught…..,’ contined Ankit.
‘Oh, shut up you A**h**e, we are left with minimum time and no need to worry. I would talk to her. You just introduce me to her as your best friend,’ interrupted Ankur.
‘Yeah, it seems a good idea,’ said Verma, looking deeply into mark sheet.

            ****                                               ****                                          ****                                                    

The car reached outside Ankit’s aunty’s place and everybody was discussing that if Ankur is going to lie a lot then try to control their laughter. They got down and started moving towards the door in queue with Ankit at first, then Verma who was followed by Ankur.

‘Hello aunty, good morning,’ said Ankit as the door got opened and a lady appeared.
‘Hello son, how come at this hour?’ asked aunty, who was still in her red gown and it seemed that she had come to open the door straight from her bed room as her hair was still rough and was uncombed as half of her hair was flying on her forehead and half on her left hand side. Her big blue eyes were still searching for some more sleep. Her lips were…………..

‘Aunty, I’ve to get my mark sheets attested because I’m going to write placement paper,’ Ankit said.
‘Come in,’ she said turning back. Ankur kicked Verma to say hello to her as he was continuously staring at doctor aunty’s cleavage. 
‘Nice bre**ts,’ said Verma looking at Ankur.
‘Hmm,’ he nodded.
‘Ohhhh, look her b**s, they are so awesome……,’ Verma kept muttering such words for aunty into Ankur’s ears.
‘Can you please shut up, you bas***ds,’ muttered Ankit, looking back staring at both.
‘Aunty, they are my best friends,’ said Ankit pointing towards his friends who were sitting on the couch that was just on the opposite side of the center table, facing her.
‘Show me your original mark sheets,’ ordered the doctor aunty…..

[to be continued with the night outs and the stunts....]