Monday, September 5, 2022

Garsikia - Dragonfly with a bucket of childhood memories!

Garsikia - the name with which we village kids have grown playing with. 
We used to run after them in the fields, on the mud tracks, on the terrace where they came to sit on the iron rods left over the pillars. 
We used to catch them with their back. It was impossible to catch them with their transparent shining feathers. Once we caught them we tried to tie their back with the thread mother used for her sewing work. 
There used to be times when the whole sky could be seen occupied with the dragonflies. 
Slowly we kids grown up in the villages had moved to the cities for work because farming could not make us wealthy. Working and earning in the metros are not making us wealthy though. As kids, we used to sing in groups, 'Dilli door hai, jaana jarur hai.' 
I saw this dragonfly (in picture above) flying around the tubelight at night yesterday. I had just come back from office, tired. I looked at it and got busy into my evening chores. 
In the metros we have only few hours to see the nature or get connected to it in the morning if we wake up early. Otherwise the hustle and bustle outside take us straight on the busy raods with screeching horns, and vehicles running madly.
I was writing when this dragonfly came and sat on the window beside my writing table. I saw it. I gazed it from all angles. I touched it. It did not fly away. It reminded me of my childhood days. 
This dragonfly had come with lots of childhood memories. 

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