Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Comparing My Friends With The Friends ( in "3 Idiots" movie)...!

It’s quite bad to see your friend in trouble. We don’t want to be caught in distress especially when it comes to the management of the institution where we have to abide its rules and regulations (related to our carrier!). If any of one (like me!) tries to break the rules are really kicked his/her ass very hard by the management. I knew it since I was a small kid, but I like freedom so I always dared to follow my own principles. So my parents loved me lesser than my sis because she was a disciplined girl and I wasn’t and they were used to be called to my school every week.
Well, let me come to the point. One of our stud friends from my group is caught in UFM (Unfair Means!) in the major paper. So our HOD called his name and roll number and announced that he is caught in UFM as the call from university said him.
I felt quite strange when he was announcing his name and roll number (with a tag of UFM) because the guys and girls in my class started laughing despite knowing that it wasn’t a joke. Even stud friends of my group didn’t feel any bad for him but were showing their teeth (white?) as others were doing. It’s the custom of our group that they laugh at the guy who is caught in any unfair means in college or university.

He was Verma, Saurav Verma (En no - 088). I tried to ask him what type of mistake did he do in paper because his seat was in the first column and mine was in third column in the same hall and any one from my hall was not caught with farree. He ran to the HOD who was taking class and asked the reason.

‘Sir, what happened?’ Verma asked the HOD.
‘Beta, you are caught in unfair means and you have leave for university now,’ said the HOD and my classmates repeated their laugh (that seemed ugly to me!).
‘What did you do?’ I asked Verma when he was coming from the HOD’s room (during break). Verma started giving description and we found it was not his fault.
‘I’ve to go to university now,’ he said making a call (to whom?).
‘When are you going?’ I asked.
‘He has to leave now,’ the HOD said from behind when we (my stud friends) were making fun of Verma standing near the washroom.
‘I’ve called Varun, I’ll go with him by his bike,’ Verma said whose face was showing that he was very sad (first time in his 3 years of engineering life!). He is a cool guy ( is this the reason..he is in our group?), he never got such stress, he hardly care for books, papers, anything (even his dress!). He is a rich guy but he doesn’t have time even to buy a nice belt for his jeans, so he wears his school belt for his jeans. So his jeans love to slip down his waist. He has started wearing shirt without any jacket in such a cold weather (may be…he is felling hot hot!).  He brings 100 bucks per day and spends it right in the morning in canteen on us (because he can’t eat alone). He is the guy who buys book just one day before the external exam (is he talented enough to cover whole syllabus in a day?).  He is very different from average guy (especially our college mates).

‘Why are you calling Varun? We will come with you,’ I said looking towards Savlani and Pawan.
‘Pawan has his car here, let’s go,’ I said to Pawan.
‘I’ve to attend lecture, I’m missing all lectures since 27th of January,’ Pawan said adjusting his shirt's sleeve.
‘I’m dying for lab, I can’t go,’ Savlani said. Both of them started piling the heap of such useless stuff and Verma was getting restless and of course nervous.

After convincing for more than half an hour, both of them became ready to come with Verma.
‘You wanted to go home that’s why forced us to come out,’ Savlani said to me taking front seat.
‘Dude, you have to pay for the petrol,’ Pawan said to Verma adjusting side mirror.
‘I’ll pay you,’ Verma said. Our car took left turn and we were on highway now.
‘Let me drive,’ Savlani this sixth time.
‘Nope, I know better driving,’ Pawan said.
‘Let him drive,’ I said from behind supporting Savlani.
Yes, he is a stud driver when he gets cars other than his own swift. He loves drifts but cares when he drives his own car.

[to be cont.......with some nice stuff....that happened in university campus....after all studs visited there !]

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